Inspiration takes many different forms.
In 48 hours time we will be all set up and our VIP Preview Evening will be underway... which is tricky as we still have 3 artists to showcase to you!! Undeterred (you know us) this evening we'd love to show you the work and inspirations of Jacky Innes. We've been huge fans of hers for many years and often bump into her at art fairs so finding out more about what her inspires her work has been really interesting.
What are you most looking forward to about this year’s Bucks Art Weeks?
Meeting up with other like minded artists and makers, and BAW visitors, plus showing my work, chatting and explaining the process to those that are curious and interested! Seeing people in real life! Also the obligatory daily coffee and cake!
What other artists exhibiting at Bucks Art Weeks are you looking forward to going to see?
I have a weakness for silver jewellery, so if I have time I will visit jewellery friends I have bought from in the past ; Kerry Newth, Kairen Bradford and Liz Dee. Could prove expensive though. Also always try and see something new.
When did you know that you wanted to become an artist?
I have always loved art since primary school, so it’s something that has always been part of me. It wasn’t until secondary school that I realised I didn’t want to go down the Uni route and applied to Art schools instead, (which wasn’t that easy as my school was more geared towards academic Uni route)
How did you end up creating batik and textiles?
My degree was in Printed Textiles (and batik as a secondary subject) and after working in retail fashion buying then raising a family while working as a TA in schools and community artist, I realised that if I didn’t start creating again I never would. It was time to use my training again and batik was something I could explore again in a small space. My printed textile background still influences my design and shows in my work layout and feel.
What inspires you?
I am influenced by the vibrant colours, amazing patterns and textures I see all around me, whether inspired by flowers in my garden and nature or more diversely from Spanish/Moroccan tiles, or from more recent travels throughout Vietnam and Australia.
Who is your favourite artist of all time and why?
Difficult to choose as depends on my mood! I love the work of Elizabeth Blackadder for her florals and still lifes because of the colour, pattern and layout which is quite unique. Also Zandra Rhodes as an influence from art school days, her silk chiffon flowing fabrics are so rich with fabulous colour and pattern. Saw her exhibition in London just before lockdown! Also Gaudi for his colour, texture and movement in his architecture but most especially his tiles!
If money was no object and you could buy any piece of art that had ever existed what would you choose?
That’s very difficult for me to answer as so indecisive! But I do believe major artworks should be available for all to see so I would have to put it in a National Gallery.
Do you have any other shows planned for this year?
Hoping to do more shows later in the year, but nothing confirmed yet as things been so uncertain.
You can find out more about Jacky (artist number 151) via the Bucks Art Weeks website or by clicking here or follow her on instagram.